April 21, 2013

Salam ahad & handphone cover V stitch

Salam semua...semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam...;) weekend baru2 ni sempat sy siapkan 1 lg handphone cover ...masih menggunakan V stitch...it can fix with samsung/iphone etc..tema nya grey & white..

 sy juga dalam proses lagi nk siapkan project granny square sy...byk lg yg perlu di buat..hehehehe..byk keja di pejabat...& benang minlon yg sy guna bersimpul2..& disambung2..huhuhuhuhu..tp mgkn sbb benang ni murah...jd terima ajalah..;)

 inilah hasil terkini granny square sy..;)...gambar sebelumnya di sini

Ok...itu sj buat kali ini...jom sambung buat keja yg byk nie....sekian semua..wassalam

salam cinta dr Kedah ;)

April 16, 2013

Handphone cover in V Stitch

Salam & Happy Teusday :)

Just nothing to do.. a bit bored today...but still want to share this simple hp cover ..let see the pictures..

Im using V stitch for this handphone cover..& using 4.0mm hook..the yarn is the combination of two colour from minlon.. that all....;)

Happy Crocheting & Salam Cinta from Kedah;)

April 07, 2013

Headband with new hooks & yarn

Last thursday, i received a parcel from walai krusye. Let see what i bought hehehehehe

Im so excited to use the yarn & hook...i show the parcel to my love..he said with hook? (with shock sound)...hehehehe because he thought i just ordered the yarn....tipah tertipu...thank to Sis Linda (owner of walai krusye)...i love the yarn & hooks....for the excitement..i did a headband with flower using this new hook for Salina's daughter...my ex-colleague...

 firstly...i want to use this flower..but it a little small...
with this...im satisfied..;)..& hope she love it too...
Hahahaha...today..i gedik2 to write in English...if it is a broken english...im sorry because my grammar is really bad...i admit it..;(..

Now...im thinking what to do with the yarn..!!!!

thank ...salam cinta from Kedah...

April 02, 2013

Bekas botol air pink 500ml ;)

Salam semua...hari ini nak share bekas botol air yg sudah siap...sebelum nie ada sy share gambar yang separuh ja siap di sini (dlm proses)..gambar tu botol air tu colour hijau...skrg ta da...sedondon
ada bunga ros lagi tu .tp gambar ni kabur ja..
...bunga tu sy belajar dari blog kak Dinah.
 Tutorial ada di sini dan di sini. Terima kasih kerana sudi buat tutorial
 bunga2 ni sy hadiahkan kepada kak yati sbb belanja sy lunch..
 brooch bunga ros
hehehehe..tak secantik yg kak Dinah buat.
Sekarang sy happy dapat luangkan msa dgn meng'crochet' sesuatu yg menarik untuk diri sendiri...sekurang2nya msa sy tidak terbuang begitu sahaja...walaupun agak penat dengan kerja di pejabat...tetapi sy rsa 'release' bila mula memegang jarum dan benang..

Sekian...salam cinta dari kedah...selamat meng'crochet';)

April 01, 2013

My Big Project ...to be

Salam semua....

Dah agak lama x berblog...agak bz dgn kerja yg tak penah nak habis..huhuhuhuhu..last weekend sempat juga meng'crochet. sy baru nk belajar granny square pattern. hajat di hati nk buat cover utk kusyen kereta..hehehehehe..ni antara yg dh berjaya dimulakan yer..bkn berjaya disiapka lgi...hehehehe

ni yg xder flash

 mcm kabur ja..; p

2 dh siap...belum dicantum lg...
Hopefully, weekend ni blh siapkan lagi...nk bg kereta nmpak cantik & menawan dengan baju baru hasil tangan sendri..wish me luck & have free time to do it yer...sebelum mengundur diri nk kongsi bunga ni sy belajar dr blog kak dinah's crochet...& sy bg pada kak yati (kwn sepejabat)...xsangka dia belanja sy lunch...alhamdulillah...terima kasih kak yati..nanti belanja lagi yer...hehehehe

 Sekian...jumpa lagi...salam cinta dari Kedah